It's funny to me. When my brother had his freedom I was able to not dwell on the situation he has put himself in. Now that he is incarcerated I can't help but worry constantly. I love my brother and I am sad that he is locked in a cage like a bad dog. He has a drinking problem that he is trying to conquer he is not a bad person. In fact, he is awesome. Very loving, caring, and fun. I pray that God comforts him and keeps him safe while he is there....
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
A trying time in the month of February....
The last couple of days have definitely served as a trial on my patience. I am trying to remain strong in my faith, although I have not been reading my new bible as planned. I will. Maybe tonight.
Friday, my entire family gathered to play guesstures on my brother's last Friday of freedom for a month. We were all having a really great time. I know that it is hard to deal with Tyler and his drinking, but we all are usually able to manage relatively well. For the sake of harmony, it is easier to just pretend his annoying behaviors are not getting to you rather than to respond to them in a negative manner. That only escalates the issue at hand. After many inappropriate gestures made by Tyler during the game, my dad flipped out. He got in Tyler's face and told him how irritated he was, told him he couldn't stand him, and was going to knock the $hit out of him.
That put me in a terrible predicament. I then had to choose to defend the person who I am with or to stand behind my dad...obviously...i defended Tyler. He was not in the wrong, in this instance. We left....and the rest of the night Tyler was in one of his drunken panics full of psychotic laughter and talking about fighting...GREAT way to end my friday.
Saturday morning around two Tyler got up out of bed I seen him go into the bathroom, I rolled over and went back to sleep. I woke up again around 6am to a very loud noise coming from the bathroom. I can not explain what the noise was, but it freaked me out. The shower was on. I stepped out of bed to go to the bathroom and check on Tyler. When my foot hit the floor it was submerged in wetness. Still foggy from sleep, I thought he spilled a beer and irritatedly continued my venture towards the bathroom. Another soaked foot, then another, and another. I flipped on the light because by now it registered that it wasnt beer on the floor. I noticed about 4-5 inches of water covering my bedroom floor, the hallway, and part of the living room...and it was leaking from the bathroom. Now I went in to panic. I was beginning to fear that Tyler had drowned in the tub, hence the overflowed water. As I cautiously pulled back the shower curtain, I was for certain I would find him dead. Thankfully, all I found was an overfilled tub. I looked on the couch in the neighboring living room, and found Tyler safely sleeping. I turned off the water, and stumbled back to bed determined to deal with this in the morning. Shortly later, Tyler woke up again and began cleaning the water up. He assumed that I had done one of my sleep walking episodes. I assumed he turned the shower on drunk. No one knows who flooded the house, all we know is that many things were destroyed, including the table I cherish more than any other piece of my property.
Sunday was really decent. We spent the day relaxing with family.
Monday, was Nathan's first birthday. I was in a panic because I wanted to set the balloons off during the daylight, but for some reason we just can not seem to get things planned right no matter how hard I try. We let the balloons go, in the dark. Did not get to see them float to heaven how I intended, but at least they are on their way.
Tuesday, Today, my brother got sentenced for his DUI and Eluding charge. He is now in jail for the next 30 days and will have two years of probation for each charge. He is now marred with a felony as well. I am sad for him. Glad he is not going to prison, but sad he has to go through this at all.
I pray that he is able to remain sober. He needs it. I love him. Very Much.
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