Friday, March 18, 2011

A bit of awkward remembrance

It is funny how time really does change a person. Three years ago today I was recovering from one heck of a St Patrick's day hangover. Four years ago...same thing. And today, I am merely recovering from a bad case of the flu. Being sick sucks regardless of the circumstances.

I had a dream last night that I was pregnant, and that Tyler proposed. I was happy in my dream. I have always wanted to have another baby, and I am really wondering if my last pregnancy, my ectopic, may have sealed the deal so to speak. I am beginning to think that I am unable to conceive again. We have not "tried" or "not-tried" for well over two years. I have had a few scares, or near misses, but never have actually had that positive sign appear even weeks after I missed my cycle. Maybe it just was not meant to be.

I wish that I could get some kind of answers from God, not just hints. I know that if I am to completely fulfill His dreams for me, than I need to follow my heart. I need to listen to what God tells me. Is he telling me that I am done having children, or is that the Devil giving me doubt? I know that I can, and do, love other people's children as much as I love my own, but it is a different kind of love. Deep nonetheless.

I do not really feel lost, I do not feel ashamed, I do not feel hindered in any way...but I am feeling a bit discouraged. Deep down, I DO want another baby. I suppose if I am anything like Sarah/Sarai I will be an old woman before I give birth again, God willing. Then again, I did get one opportunity, which is something that many women never get. So for that I am grateful. Eternally.

With all of this aside, I think of my babies often. I wish that my family would recognize each of them how they recognize my nephew. I understand, they got to hold him, kiss him, and physically see him. My babies, were lost before they were big enough to be they have been everyone, except for me. When I talk about my pregnancies, I get dismissed. Almost as it is too uncomfortable to talk about. Because to them, they were not actually babies. To me, they were.