Monday, June 20, 2011

17 weeks 6 days and no answers...

On Saturday 6/18 I had an appointment scheduled with Prenatal Visions, a company that is there to help assist with ultrasounds and determining the sex of your baby. I have been so excited to have finally made it this far that I wanted to pay the hundred bucks to find out what it was. To my dismay, the baby was only willing to show off its toes and did not want to let us know if it is girl or a boy. The tech advised that i was dehydrated and i had one week to get my fluid up or she was going to refer me to my dr for an IV.

Going forward....
That night I was in excruciating pain from where she was pressing during the ultrasound and how hard she was pressing. Bruised bladder, I assumed.

Again moving forward...
Fathers day, the 19th, I had intense pain in my upper abdomen and my mother forced me to go to the ER.
Gallbladder is bad, but due to being pregnant Dr's are unwilling to help remove it. I must endure the pain until baby is born.
Another Fear-
Baby's fluid is low...I have no idea. I didnt ask. I am too afraid to know. Essentially the Dr is testing my blood for infection. I just have to keep on praying that things will work out. I have to sign out now because back and stomach pain is starting up...must rest.