Monday, March 26, 2012

I might need to FIGHT and I am terrified

It's funny, more ironic than funny really, how now that I am no longer smoking cigarettes I am terrified of developing cancer.  I was always a little worried when I smoked, but the thought never concerned me "enough."  When I got pregnant with my little Dallas I was already on the path of trying to quit so when my body started rejecting cigarettes (the smell and taste) I welcomed it with open arms as an opportunity to kick the habit for good.

I have been smoke free for over a year and it feels amazing.

However, over the last 6-8 months I have been experiencing things in my throat that one can only explain as a possibly scare for throat cancer.  I have mentioned it out loud numerous times to friends and family and now I have finally taken the steps to determine what, if anything, is causing the abnormalities that I am experiencing.  I went to the Dr. today and I go to the ENT (ear nose and throat dr) tomorrow.  Hopefully I am able to rule out the potential risk of cancer.

I have a great uncle (not in my biological blood line) that died from cancer.  He developed the cancer not while he smoked, but after he quit.  This is the biggest reason I have always feared quitting. 

I prayed a lot, even shed a few tears this morning while I was in the Dr's office.  I prayed that God would make whatever it is I am going through NOT be cancer.  Sometimes I need to remind myself that God is not a genie.  He doesn't grant my wishes.  Sometimes He blesses me with things I have been hoping for, but He certainly is not here to grant me my desires and dreams...all of the time.  As hard as that is to swallow, the mere thought of developing cancer is far more frightening.  I know whatever the outcome is, that God will use me somehow to bring the greater good.  I also know that God will be with me in the hard times so I will be okay.  That should make it easier to deal with.  But honestly I struggle.  I have a 13 year old who I want so badly to live for.  I have nieces and nephews who all need me.  I don't want my mom to have to bury a child.  I want to marry and live to be old with Tyler.  I know that me and God were not seeing eye to eye on Dallas' outcome but I really hope he is on my brain wave with this one. 

IF I do in fact have any type of cancer, I pray that it is curable.
If I do in fact have any type of cancer, I pray that it has not and will not spread.
IF I do in fact have any type of cancer, I pray that He allows me to be cured.
If I do not have any cancer, I pray that He helps me find a doctor that can help me feel better.