Thursday, July 1, 2010

The death of a motorcyclist

I was given the news yesterday that my dad was involved in a serious accident resulting in the death of a motorcyclist. I have recently expressed my concerns that he may have relapsed, so this only heightens my concerns. Apparently he was driving home from a storm job in MN when a woman driving in front of him was forced off the road by a semi. She tried to avoid the semi, lost control of her bike, and she along with the bike slid across the road hitting a boom truck-ricocheting off of it and then taking the another blow to the back of my dads boom truck. He said that he saw her "explode" on the back of his truck. He did everything he could to avoid the collision but there was no stopping Gods plan. I am very saddened by the incident. I feel terrible for Diane MacKenzie who perished in the accident, I think a lot about my dad and about the other people involved as well. He fears that his truck is what killed her, but I tried to ease his mind by reminding him that she was hit by another boom truck first. It could have happened at any moment. It was God's decision when she was taken and regardless of how it happened, it is how He had planned it. I know that this has been very traumatizing for my dad, and I pray to God that he had not relapsed and it was only my own insecurities causing me to be suspicious for no reason. If he did relapse however, this to me is God's warning to him. God is telling him that He can and He will take everything away. God gives us all warnings when we stray from his path, and hopefully this was an eye opener for all that were involved. I pray for Diane's family. I pray that they find peace knowing that God took her from this earth while she was doing what she loved to do. Riding her bike. I looked into her a bit, did some research...and found that she was involved with a corporation that teaches safe riding as well as fights for motorcyclist rights. She was on her way to a freedom ride when the accident occurred. I am very sorry for everyone's loss. May God be will all that are involved.